
The Book Is In

Dying Hard:  Company B, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th US Infantry Division in WWII has arrived and folks are already reading it.  You can go the publisher’s website, or go to Amazon.

342 pages; 10 maps of Company B during the war, emphasis on 1944-45.  16 pages photos, including composites showing 45 soldiers in the company.  Many others are combat photos, many never in print before.  Book is everything I hoped for.  I think you’ll love it.

But why should you actually READ it? 

Because it puts YOU in Company B.  You’ll think you were there.  North Africa, Sicily, Normandy, Hürtgen Forest, Merode Castle, Battle of the Bulge, Remagen Bridge, and a little hellhole called Stalag VI G.  

Secondly, you will fit right in with us in Company B.  How do we know?

When something in life knocks you down, you get back up, wipe the blood off your nose, and say: “Is that all you’ve got?” you’re in Company B.  If people told you that you were too small, too slow, too poor, or too anything, and you proved them all wrong, you’re in Company B.

Love dogs?  In 1942, a young soldier found a stray dog in the Aleutian Islands and took care of him.  Two years later, he put Buff in his duffel bag, climbed aboard a troopship with Buff in a duffel bag and sailed to Europe and Company B, where Buff was our mascot and pulled guard duty.  So if you love dogs, you’re in Company B too.

Rise and shine, grab your helmet, and make sure your M1 Rifle is loaded.  Because we’re all going back to the line.

The Book Is In2024-10-03T12:17:06-05:00

Or We’ll Have Endless War

Way back in the day, some 200 years ago, Carl Clausewitz, a Prussian army officer, set out to analyze why the French army, under Napoleon, routed the Prussian army in numerous battles.  He was confused because some 40 years earlier, it was the Prussian army that was kicking everyone’s ass in Europe.  What had changed?

Rather than compare weapons, the size of armies, their tactics, and leaders, he took on the daunting task of identifying what he believed was the nature of war — the fundamental underpinnings of war — such as that it was violent, was a human activity, and was an extension of politics by other means.  There were a few other characteristics, but if you want to delve into everything, grab Clausewitz’s book On War, some 731 pages and have fun, because there are no photos.  Generation after generation of military officers around the world ever since, in war college after war college, have cursed the day they were assigned to read such a monstrosity.  But later, the winners of almost every war were glad that they had.

One of Clausewitz’s most important concepts was that of the Center of Gravity, which some strategists believe is the characteristic, capability, or locality from which military force derives its freedom of action, physical strength, or will to fight.  It might be the mass of the enemy force, or perhaps its logistical base, production capabilities or lines of communication.  Other thinkers feel that the center of gravity might be economic resource or locality, cohesion of an alliance, or something even more intangible, such as morale or the national will.  There usually is just one center of gravity, perhaps two, but if you identify more than that, you probably need to relook it.

Some folks default to claiming that one individual, such as a military general or political leader, is the center of gravity, but that logic is pretty precarious when analyzing past wars.  Whatever the center of gravity, Clausewitz believed that you had to go after your enemy’s center of gravity and destroy or significantly degrade it, while protecting your own center of gravity from the enemy doing the same to you.

Here is a historical example that might help visualize this.  In World War II, the center of gravity for the US — in my opinion — was our overwhelming technological, logistical and industrial base that enabled us to truly fight around the world, with significant numbers of outstanding weapons (think aircraft carriers, four-engine heavy bombers to take the fight to the enemy homeland, a lethal, flexible artillery fire support system for the army, millions of wheeled vehicles that made our army truly mobile {unlike the Germans who still used millions of horses}, the atomic bomb, radar, sonar, etc.)  Sure, American fighting troops of all services played a huge role, but without those production/technology assets, we are on an equal footing with the Germans who had many more divisions than we did, jet aircraft, and excellent tanks.  And we aren’t retaking the Pacific without airpower.  And as far as protection, neither the Germans, nor the Japanese could attack American factories in the US, or bomb the Manhattan Project, or stop those assets from getting overseas.  Our motto truly was: “There’s plenty more where that came from.”

Fast forward to today and the current Israeli-Palestinian fight in Gaza.  Both sides seem to have been fighting forever.  Both sides are heavily influenced by founding religious documents, the Old Testament and the Koran.  Both sides want control of the same territory, which is almost too small to divide between the two to where both will be satisfied.

So, since the formal founding of Israel in 1948, there has been endless violence.  People on both sides want control of the other, and some people on each side want the other side dead and gone.  From the river to the sea for some means that their side will control all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, while others believe that area should be Jew free, or Arab free, take your pick.

So where would the “losing side” go?  Israeli Jews are simply never going to march into cattle cars again for the one-way ride to an extermination center as happened in World War II.  All the Jews pack up and move to Delaware?  Europe doesn’t want them back to pre-WWII levels.  All the Palestinians leave the Gaza strip, and the squalor of the refugee camps in Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan?  Where are they going to go?  Egypt doesn’t want them for fear that they will destabilize that country.  Who wants endless refugee camps in which hatred and violence are preached every night to a population that appears to never want to ever assimilate anywhere else but between the river and the sea?  Iran talks a good game, but most Palestinians are Sunni, and Iran is Shia, and strife between those two factions has led to countless millions of Muslim deaths since they started slugging it out 1400 years ago.

Which brings us to October 7, 2023 and the Hamas attack in the Gaza strip, killing over 1,000 Jews, many civilians, including children.  The Israelis responded and have been at it ever since going after tunnel after tunnel in Gaza, probably killing 40,000 Palestinians, many civilians, including children.  Israel has had nuclear weapons for over 50 years but has not used them.  Iran appears to be getting close to obtaining an atomic weapon.  If either side goes with a nuke attack, the casualty numbers will make 40,000 look like a walk in the park.

But it gets worse, or could.  I have long thought that Israel has quietly spoken to every Islamic nation in the Middle East, and maybe even taken representatives of each on an all-expenses-paid nice holiday cruise on September 22, 1979 near the South African territory of Prince Edward Island in the Indian Ocean, where there was probably a nuclear device test explosion.  And then the Israelis said something like: “Look boys, if anyone pops a nuke on Israel, we might not find out immediately who did it, because of all the devastation.  So here’s what we’re going to do.  We’re going to drop a big nuke on the Kaaba in Mecca, right away, because we’re going to assume it was one of you that nuked us.  And not only will that be destroyed, but that whole area will be so filled with radiation that it will take 100 years before anyone can safely go there on a Hajj.  And then when we do find out who did nuke us, we’re going to rain that country with nukes.  It will be like The Great Flood, Part II.  So you fellas need to keep each other in line.  Hal fahimtum?

And of course, what that would do, if Israel came through on that threat/promise, would be to create an endless war.

Right now, Israel is playing “whack a mole,” trying to kill Hamas leaders when they are located; Hezbollah too.  That may work tactically for the short term, but what has Israel done to identify the true Center of Gravity of her enemies.

I believe that the Center of Gravity for radical, militant, Islam, be it Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc., is the current endless influx of young recruits from across Islam, which promises them martyrdom and eternal luxury and pleasure in heaven.  Until that pipeline is permanently, not temporarily, broken through non-lethal means, by moral persuasion, winning hearts and minds, we’ll get endless October 7s, no matter how many current fighters and civilians are killed.  These jihadis probably will not be completely persuaded by non-Muslims.  That may take something like an Islamic Reformation.
Or We’ll Have Endless War2024-09-06T10:51:39-05:00

Information Needed!


Mortimer Christian -- Do you have information about him?

(February 21, 2013)  I need your help!  Work is finishing on The Fifth Field book and the draft will go to the publisher before April 30.  I am putting together photographs now.  There are several important Military Policemen who are part of this story and who I need to get in contact with.  NONE of these men did anything wrong in any way; in fact they had maybe the toughest job in the entire war and it is time for that story to be told.

I simply need to hear their view of what went on as they saw it.  If you are one of the following men (and unfortunately I think that almost all have passed away,) or you are the spouse, son or daughter or grandson or granddaughter of one of these men (or even if you are not positive, but think you might be), please email me.  I really need a photograph (hopefully in uniform) and also perhaps this person wrote home about what happened and you still have the letters, or even took pictures about where he served.  I can use any information you might have.  I have been searching for 12 years and this is the last chance I have to add information before the book goes in for publishing.

Jack D. Briscoe — Sergeant in the 2913th DTC.  Born in Sheridan, Texas on July 4, 1919, he stood 6′ tall and weighed 163 pounds.  He was single and had worked as a roustabout on an oil field before enlisted at Camp Bowie, Texas on November 4, 1941.  His military occupational specialty was listed as a 677 – Disciplinarian.  He separated from the Army on September 22, 1945 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.  Briscoe was awarded the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, the Good Conduct Medal and the American Defense Service Medal.  He later worked for the Mobil Oil Company, married and had two daughters.  Jack Dempsey Briscoe died on July 18, 1985 at Weimar, Texas and is buried at the Chesterville County Cemetery.

Russell E. Boyle — Sergeant and Military Police guard at the Loire DTC.  He enlisted in Chicago; the Army discharged Boyle at Camp Grant, Illinois on November 21, 1945.

Kenneth Breitenstein — Sergeant and Military Police guard in the 2913th DTC.  Born in Reading, Pennsylvania on August 19, 1922, he finished three years of high school before becoming a metalworker.  Breitenstein was inducted at Allentown, Pennsylvania on January 2, 1943.  He stood 6’1″ tall and weighed 175 pounds.  In 1945, he applied for officer candidate school.  After the war, Breitenstein served in the Reserves until 1953.  Kenneth L. Breitenstein died on May 10, 2009 at Coudersport, Pennsylvania.

Mortimer A. Christian — Major and Commandant, Seine DTC.  Born on September 28, 1896, Christian graduated from the Virginia Military Institute and served in the 17th Cavalry in World War I, later entering the Military Police.  Mortimer Christian died on November 1, 1955.  He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Section 1, Site 931-B.

James C. Cullens, Jr. — Lieutenant Colonel and Commandant of DTC Number 1/2912th DTC at Shepton Mallet Prison; Cullens assumed command of the facility on June 14, 1943 as a major.  He commanded the unit until October 1, 1944, when he transferred to the 751st MP Battalion.  James C. Cullens was born in Louisiana on November 9, 1895.  He graduated from West Point in 1918 and was commissioned in the Infantry, but resigned his commission the following year.  He was recalled to service in 1942 and served until 1947.  James C. Cullens died at Ille-et-Vilaine, Dinard, France on December 11, 1961.

Philip J. Flynn — Major and Commanding Officer of the United Kingdom Base Guardhouse.

T. W. Gillard — Lieutenant Colonel and Commandant of DTC Number 1 at Shepton Mallet Prison.

Alfonso Girvalo — Sergeant and Military Police guard at the Loire Disciplinary Center.  Nicknamed “Big Al” at the disciplinary training center, he was born in 1918 in Ossining, New York; he attended high school for four years prior to his induction into the Army on April 16, 1942 at Fort Jay at Governors Island, New York.  Girvalo stood about 6’1″ tall and weighed 200 pounds.  After the war, he returned to the Ossining.  Alfonso Girvalo died there in 1986.

Arthur S. Imell — Major and Commander of the 2615th MP DTC in North Africa.  Born on July 31, 1889, he served in World War I and retired as a lieutenant colonel; he was in the Infantry.  He died on February 9, 1956; Arthur Imell is buried at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in Section AI, Site 268 at San Antonio, Texas.

Herbert Kleinbeck — Technician Fifth Grade.  Born on August 9, 1920 in Chicago, Illinois, he was single, had one year at the University of Illinois and was trained as an apprentice tool and die maker.  Kleinbeck, who listed his residence as Elmhurst, Illinois, was inducted into the Army in Chicago on August 14, 1942.  He stood 5’10” tall and weighed 164 pounds.  He attended military police school and was trained as a clerk, light truck driver and motor dispatcher and arrived in Europe on June 2, 1943.  He was discharged from the Army at Fort Sheridan, Illinois on December 24, 1945.  He was awarded the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and the Good Conduct Medal.  Herbert Kleinbeck died on February 21, 2000 in East La Mirada, California.

Frank Landi — Sergeant and Military Police guard at the Loire DTC, he was likely born on November 3, 1904 in Pennsylvania.  Landi had attended grammar school and had worked in a machine shop prior to enlisting in Los Angeles on April 17, 1942.  One prisoner recalled that Landi stood about 5’5″ tall and in addition to his very bowed legs had what appeared to be a broken nose, indicative that he may have been a boxer.  He was discharged at Indian Gap Military Reservation in Pennsylvania on November 6, 1945 and returned to Los Angeles.  It appears that Frank Landi died in Sacramento, California on May 1, 1981.

Lieutenant Colonel Herbert R. Laslett — Lieutenant Colonel and Commandant of the 2912th DTC at Shepton Mallet Prison, England, beginning on October 1, 1944.  Born on August 23, 1891, he died on May 31, 1954.  Herbert R. Laslett is buried at the Willamette National Cemetery at Happy Valley, Oregon in Section G, Site 1409.

Howard Laux — born 1915 in California.

Vincent J. Martino — Tech Sergeant.  Born in New York City on April 17, 1924 he had served as a stock clerk.  Martino stood 5’6″ tall and weighed 195 pounds.  He arrived overseas on February 18, 1944 and was assigned to the 2913th DTC.  Vincent J. Martino was awarded the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, the Good Conduct Medal and the World War II Victory Medal.  His file listed him with a military occupational specialty of 564 – “Special Assignment.”

Earl Mendenhall — Sergeant and Military Police guard, assigned to the Loire DTC.  Standing 6′ tall and weighing 180 pounds, with gray eyes and blond hair, the former bridge carpenter was easily distinguishable from the other guards.  Born in Bowie, Texas on December 8, 1923, he was inducted into the Army on November 24, 1941.  Discharged from the Army in August 1945, in 1963 he moved to Grand Blanc, Michigan and worked for 35 years in the Chevy V-8 Engine Plant.  He died on April 9, 2011; Earl Mendenhall is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery at Grand Blanc, Michigan.

Richard A. Mosley — Sergeant and Military Police guard at the Loire DTC.  The son of Irish immigrants, Mosley was born in Pineville, Kentucky on February 22, 1904.  He joined the Navy in World War I, but received a discharge for being underage.  He later spent five years at the University of Illinois, studying electrical and mechanical engineering.  He subsequently was the foreman for an automobile service center.  Although he was partially blind in one eye, he entered the Army at Los Angeles on August 1, 1942 and became a powerhouse engineer.  After arriving in Great Britain on June 1, 1943, he was transferred to new duties as a military specialty 635 – disciplinarian.  He stood 6’5″ tall and weighed 203 pounds.  On March 1, 1945, he became a first sergeant in the 1008th Engineer Services Battalion.  Mosley was discharged at Fort MacArthur, California on August 31, 1945.  He was awarded the Good Conduct Medal, the World War II Victory Medal and the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with a Bronze Service Star for Northern France.  Mosley lived in Hanford, California until his death on January 5, 1953.  Richard A. Mosley is buried at Grangeville Cemetery in Armona, California.

Major W. G. Neiswender

Lieutenant Colonel Henry L. Peck — Lieutenant Colonel and Commanding Officer, Loire DTC.  Henry Peck was born on August 26, 1910 in New York City.  He graduated from the City College of New York in 1931 with a degree in history; he later received a Master’s Degree from Columbia University.  He relinquished command of the 2913th DTC (Loire DTC) to Colonel Morris T. Warner on June 26, 1945 and departed the unit on October 11, 1945.  Peck was promoted to colonel in March 1946.  He later worked for the Veteran’s Administration and retired as a colonel on August 26, 1970.  Henry L. Peck died on December 5, 1996.

Thomas F. Robinson — Technician 3rd Class and assistant to Master Sergeant John C. Woods.  Robinson was born in New York in 1920; he was married and had two years of high school.  At the time of his enlistment, he lived in Westchester, New York.  A baker by trade, he enlisted in 1942 in Bayonne, New Jersey; prior to working with Woods, Robinson was assigned to the 554th Quartermaster Depot.  Thomas F. Robinson was discharged November 9, 1945 in New York City.

Clyde R. Thorn — First Lieutenant, Infantry, and Acting Commander of the PBS Garrison Stockade Number 1.  He was born on May 13, 1910 at Harrisburg, Arkansas.  He enlisted in the Army on April 13, 1942; he later was commissioned an officer on December 26, 1942.  Clyde Thorn died in Batesville, Arkansas on March 6, 1992.  Clyde R. Thorn is buried there at Oaklawn Cemetery.

Major (Doctor) John C. Urbaitis — Major Urbaitis was born on September 5, 1906 and died on April 23, 1984.  Urbaitis is buried at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in McKean County, Pennsylvania.

Bert Ward — First Sergeant.  Born in Michigan in 1909, he enlisted in the Army on April 10, 1939 in Cordele, Georgia.  Prior to his enlistment, Ward, who was a candy-maker, lived in Genesee County, Michigan.  Bert Ward was discharged ay Indian Town Gap Military Reservation on August 15, 1945 and went to Eaton Rapids, Michigan.

Glenn A. Waser — Captain and Commander of the PBS Garrison Stockade Number 1.  He was an MP officer.  Born in Ohio in 1909, he graduated from the University of Illinois in 1933.  Glenn A. Waser entered the service on July 7, 1942.


Information Needed!2013-08-09T12:57:05-05:00

Landsberg Prison in Lieu of Sharks

(November 26, 2012)  After extensive research, there just isn’t enough to do a book on shark attacks and the survivors of the USS Indianapolis.

With that project on hold, have started a historical novel on Landsberg Prison, with Dante, and his sidekick Virgil, coming back and redoing a new version of Dante’s Inferno, featuring Auschwitz, Landsberg, Plötzensee Prison, the Wannsee Conference and Lublin, Poland and Operation Reinhard.  This will be the author’s first attempt outside of pure non-fiction.  It may become an E-book.

Landsberg Prison in Lieu of Sharks2013-01-13T16:50:49-06:00

New Info on Germany’s Most Prolific Hangman

(October 14, 2012 — Washington)  Another research trip to the National Archives uncovered information on Johann Reichhart, probably Germany’s most prolific hangman of the last century.  See how the U.S. Army hired Reichhart to hang dozens of his former employers in the Historical Sketches section.

Regarding the USS Indianapolis, our search found dozens of survivor hand-written accounts of the sinking, as well as finding that the Navy “sanitized” the archives’ file in the early 1990s of information regarding burials at sea of the dead.

New Info on Germany’s Most Prolific Hangman2013-01-10T17:28:36-06:00

Company L and Shark Attacks?

(September 2, 2012)  Now that Stalingrad is in to the publisher, there are two future projects that are starting to get interesting.  One is another company history of the 7th Cavalry to go with that of Company M.  It would be about Company L and Lieutenant Jimmy Calhoun.  A second book project may be on the USS Indianapolis, concentrating on the exact scope of the shark attacks against the men in the water after the ship sank.  Send an email in if you have any preference and we’ll see where readers’ interests are.

Company L and Shark Attacks?2013-01-10T17:26:51-06:00

Hangman’s File Reveals New Information

(July 24, 2012 — St. Louis)  The recently released John C. Woods file (The hangman in The Fifth Field) shows that Woods had enlisted in the U. S. Navy in 1929, deserted, was convicted by a General Court-Martial and was discharged from the Navy for having  Constitutional Psychopathic Inferiority without Psychosis.  See his biography.

Hangman’s File Reveals New Information2013-01-10T17:20:02-06:00
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