The Fifth Field Sitemap
- About the Author
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- Historical Sketches
- Home
- Polski
- Privacy Policy
- Published Books
- 2,000 Quotes From Hitler's 1000-Year Reich
- American Hangman
- Custer's Best
- Dönitz's Crews
- Dying Hard
- Luftwaffe Efficiency and Promotion Reports for the Knight's Cross Winners
- Quiet Flows the Rhine
- Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Gold and Guns
- Stalingrad
- The Camp Men
- The Cruel Hunters
- The Field Men
- The Fifth Field
- The Ghetto Men
- Waffen-SS Tiger Crews at Kursk
- Strategy, Weapons & Training
- Admiral Günther Lütjens
- Alfred Jodl
- Baldur von Schirach, Reich Youth Leader
- Dr. Fritz Todt, Minister of Armaments and creator of the German Autobahn
- Heinrich Himmler with Martin Bormann
- Josef Goebbels, Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
- Julius Streicher, Editor of Der Stürmer
- Last Days of the Nazis – New Time and Channel
- Nazis on trial at Nürnberg
- State Funeral for General Dietl
- Wilhelm Frick, Reich Minister of the Interior
- Wilhelm Keitel
About French MacLean
- “Spartan 3” of the 5th Battalion,18th Infantry in a Bradley
- 1st Battalion, 29th Infantry Officers
- Air Janes
- Back in the Day
- Changing a Plan during Desert Storm
- CIB Ceremony
- Dare to Dream
- Denial
- Handing Out Food to Children in Kuwait
- Is Dr. Anthony Fauci Really a Dr. Josef Mengele?
- Little Bighorn Association Honors French MacLean
- Majors MacLean, Mark Kimmitt and Clint Anderson on SAMS Map Exercise
- Martin Steglich Telling French about Briefing Hitler in 1942
- Martin Steglich, French and Heinz-Georg Lemm
- Martin Steglich, Heinz-Georg Lemm and Walther-Peer Fellgiebel
- My Better Half
- My Friend Eric Paternoster
- My Hero
- Near Some Oil Well Fires in Kuwait on Desert Storm
- Occidental Hotel
- Olga at the Oktoberfest
- Retiring on Last Stand Hill
- Simon Wiesenthal
- The Final Witness
- The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ
- The Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and His Family 1918
- The Third Bullet by Stephen Hunter
- The Wisdom of Crowds
- West Point, Class of 1974
- With Marty Dempsey and Jack Pattison in the Palace
Ace in the Hole
Auf Deutsch
- Einsatzkommando 13 / Einsatzgruppe H, Brief, 2. Juni 1943
- Einsatzkommando 3 – Brief, 16 Januar 1942
- Einsatzkommando 3 – Brief, 17 Oktober 1941
- Einsatzkommando 3 – Brief, 25 April 1942
- Ich hatt’ einen Kameraden – Martin Steglich
- Schlachtschiff Bismarck
- Schlachtschiff Scharnhorst
- Vorläufige Besitzurkunde Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse
- Vorschlag Verleihung Eisernen Kreuzes 1. Klass (1. seite)
- Vorschlag Verleihung Eisernen Kreuzes 1. Klass (2. seite)
- Vorschlag Verleihung Eisernen Kreuzes 1. Klass (3. seite)
Battle of the Bulge
Biographical Sketches
- Adolf Eichmann
- Adolf Hitler
- Adolf Hitler in World War I
- Albert Pierrepoint
- Albert Widmann
- Alfonso Girvalo
- Alois Brunner
- Amon Göth
- Arthur Nebe
- Arthur S. Imell
- Bert Ward
- Bronislaw Kaminski
- Christian Wirth
- Clyde R. Thorn
- David Petraeus
- Dr. August Hirt
- Dr. Karl Gebhardt
- Dr. Roland Freisler
- Dr. Rudolf Lange
- Earl Mendenhall
- Erich Kempka
- Ernst Kaltenbrunner
- Ernst Lerch
- Frank Landi
- Franz Novak
- Franz Stangl
- Friedrich Paulus
- George Custer
- Glenn A. Waser
- Günther Prien, U-47
- Heinrich Himmler
- Heinrich Müller
- Heinz-Georg Lemm
- Henry L. Peck
- Herbert Kleinbeck
- Herbert R. Laslett
- Hermann Höfle
- Hermine Braunsteiner
- Ilse Koch
- Jack D. Briscoe
- Jack Pattison
- James C. Cullens, Jr.
- Johann Reichhart
- John C. Urbaitis
- John C. Woods
- Karl Dönitz
- Kenneth L. Breitenstein
- Klaus Barbie
- Looking for Information
- Martin Dempsey
- Martin Steglich
- Montgomery Meigs
- Mortimer A. Christian
- Odilo Globocnik
- Oskar Dirlewanger
- Otto Skorzeny
- Philip J. Flynn
- Raymond Odierno
- Reinhard Heydrich
- Richard A. Mosley
- Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss
- Russell E. Boyle
- T. W. Gillard
- Theodor Dannecker
- Thomas F. Robinson
- Vincent J. Martino
- Walther-Peer Fellgiebel
Camp Men
- Auschwitz Visit by Oswald Pohl
- Belzec Officers
- Camp Men Sample Page
- Chełmno/Kulmhof
- Grave of Hannes Eisele (Located after publication)
- Grave of SS-Hauptsturmführer Franz Reichleitner, Sobibór
- Grave of SS-Sturmbannführer Christian Wirth, Belzec and Field Chief of Operation Reinhard
- Grave of SS-Untersturmführer Gottfried Schwarz, Belzec
- Gross-Rosen
- Himmler, SS-Sturmbannführer Franz Ziereis (Mauthausen) and Kaltenbrunner
- Iconic Photo of the Selection Ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau
- Officers and Non-commissioned Officers at the Belzec Extermination Camp
- Richard Glücks
- SS Physicians Tour New Hospital at Auschwitz
- SS-Hauptsturmführer Dr. Hannes Eisele, Dachau, Mauthausen, Buchenwald & Natzweiler
- SS-Hauptsturmführer Josef Mengele, Auschwitz & Gross-Rosen
- SS-Oberführer Heinrich Deubel, Dachau & Columbia Haus
- SS-Obersturmbannführer Max Pauly, Stutthof & Neuengamme
- SS-Obersturmführer Rudolf Suttrop and Fellow SS Officers at Gross-Rosen
- SS-Standartenführer Arthur Rödl, Lichtenburg, Sachsenburg, Buchenwald & Gross-Rosen
- SS-Sturmbannführer Hans Hüttig, Natzweiler, Herzogenbusch, Buchenwald & Flossenbürg
- SS-Sturmbannführer Paul Werner Hoppe, Stutthof & Oranienburg
- SS-Sturmbannführer Richard Baer, Dachau, Columbia Haus, Neuengamme, Auschwitz & Dora
- Theodor Eicke, Kommandant at Dachau
Contact Page
Cruel Hunters
- Dirlewanger and Staff
- Dirlewanger Murder Site?
- Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski
- Iconic Photo of Dirlewanger Assault Group
- Oskar Dirlewanger
- Reconnaissance Platoon in Sonderkommando Dirlewanger
- Reputed Grave of Oskar Dirlewanger
- Six Enlisted Men in Sonderkommando Dirlewanger
- Sonderkommando Letter dated July 11, 1944
- Sonderkommando Letter dated September 17, 1943
- Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger Letter dated December 4, 1944
Custer's Best
- 7th Cavalry Regimental Adjutant William W. Cooke
- A Distinguished Soldier’s View of Dying Hard
- American Hangman Published!!!
- Casing with Gouge Mark at Company M position in the Valley
- Company M, Seventh Cavalry, Little Bighorn Battle Roster
- Custer’s Last Stand
- First Sergeant John Ryan Kepi
- First Sergeant John Ryan’s Discharge, back side
- First Sergeant John Ryan’s Discharge, front side
- First Sergeant John Ryan’s Grave
- If You Are…You Need a Gun
- John Ryan about 1870
- John Ryan’s Rifle
- Map of the Battle Showing the Defense at Reno Hill
- New Book Distributor for Europe
- New Book on Waffen-SS Tiger Crews at Kursk 1943 Published !
- Piss-Ant, Potentate Politicians
- Private Edward Pigford
- Private Edward Pigford’s Grave
- Private Jean “Frenchy” Gallenne
- Private William Morris
- Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Gold and Guns
- The Fifth Field Published
- The Po Po Report Now Podcast
- US Army Executions World War II in Europe and Africa Data
- View of the Timberline
- VII Corps Desert Storm Reunion, 26-28 February 2016
Custer's Last Stand
- 7th Cavalry Trooper Markers at Custer’s Last Stand
- Dark Blue Sky at Custer’s Last Stand
- Little Bighorn 7th Cavalry Horse Holders Area in the Timber
- Little Bighorn Battlefield Guide
- Little Bighorn Company M, 7th Cavalry Timberline Position
- Montana Paradise
- Ride the Battlefield
- Sergeant Major Pierre A. Banker (Army Discharge from 7th Cavalry, 1871)
Dönitz's Crews
- Autographed Photo of Engelbert Endrass, U-46
- Autographed Stationery of U-47 Crew from the Hotel Kaiserhof
- Complete Crew of U-25
- Günther Prien and Luftwaffe Aircrew on U-47
- Günther Prien and the crew of the U-47
- Karl Dönitz
- U-107 Returns from Patrol
- U-188 German Cross in Gold Winners
- U-331 Sailor in Tropical Uniform
- U-502 Death Notice
- U-boat Comrades
- U-boat Crew Crossing the Equator
- U-boat Engineer Officer and his Dog
- U-boat Navigator Topside Getting Some Fresh Air
- U-boat Sailor After Patrol
Field Men
- Caskets of Ohlendorf and Braune after Both Were Executed in 1951
- Einsatzkommando Victims at Babi Yar
- Einsatzkommandos in Poland, 1939
- German Execution Squad
- Iconic Photo of Einsatzkommando Shooting
- Original Grave of Erich Naumann at Landsberg Military Prison
- SS-Brigadeführer Dr. Heinz Jost, Einsatzgruppe A
- SS-Brigadeführer Erich Naumann, Einsatzgruppe B
- SS-Brigadeführer Otto Rasch, Einsatzgruppe C
- SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Ott, Einsatzkommando 7b
- SS-Obersturmbannführer Dr. Eduard Strauch, Einsatzkommando 1b & 2
- SS-Standartenführer Dr. Walter Blume, Einsatzkommando 7a
- SS-Standartenführer Dr. Werner Braune, Einsatzkommando 11b
- SS-Standartenführer Paul Blobel, Einsatzkommando 4a
- SS-Sturmbannführer Ernst Biberstein, Einsatzkommando 6
- SS-Sturmbannführer Lothar Fendler, Einsatzkommando 4b
- SS-Sturmbannführer Waldemar Klingelhöfer, Vorkommando Moscow
- SS-Untersturmführer Matthias Graf, Einsatzkommando 6
- Subsequent Grave Marker of Ernst Naumann, Landsberg Military Prison
Fifth Field
- Albert Pierrepoint’s Execution Logbook
- Albert Pierrepoint, British Executioner
- Army Hangman’s Noose
- Blake Mariano Gravestone in France
- Charles Robinson — Hanged
- Entrance to James E. Hendricks Execution Site
- Fifth Field Presentations
- Fifth Field Responses Arriving
- Grave of Louis Till
- Kudos for The Fifth Field
- Military Police Arrest Photo of Madison Thomas
- News — Werner E. Schmiedel
- Private First Class Paul M. Kluxdal
- Sergeant Richard A. Mosley
- Sketch of Execution Site at the Loire Disciplinary Training Center
- Temporary U.S. Military Cemetery at Marigny
- The Author Examining Bullet Holes
- The Fifth Field Wins the Lieutenant General Richard G. Trefry Award
- The Seine Disciplinary Training Center, Paris, Mortier Caserne, 1945
- Till
- Tom Ward
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, A-C
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, C-D
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, E-H
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, H-J
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, J-M
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, M
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, M-P
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, P-S
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, S
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, S-T
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, T-W
- U.S. Army Executions in Europe during World War II, W-Y
- US Army Executions World War II in Europe and Africa
- Adolf Eichmann
- Adolf Hitler in World War I
- Albert Widmann
- Arthur Nebe
- Christian Wirth
- Dr. August Hirt
- Dr. Karl Gebhardt
- Dr. Roland Freisler
- Dr. Rudolf Lange
- Erich Kempka
- Friedrich Paulus
- Günther Prien, U-47
- Heinrich Himmler
- Heinrich Müller
- Heinz-Georg Lemm
- Ilse Koch
- Johann Reichhart
- Karl Dönitz
- Klaus Barbie
- Martin Steglich
- Oskar Dirlewanger
- Reinhard Heydrich
- Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss
- Theodor Dannecker
- Walther-Peer Fellgiebel
Ghetto Men
- Captured Resistance Fighters by the Waffen-SS
- Daily Maps of the Warsaw Ghetto Fighting
- German 20mm Cannon at the Warsaw Ghetto
- German SS and Army officers in discussion in Warsaw
- Jürgen Stroop, the SS Commander at Warsaw
- On the Way to the Umschlagplatz at the Warsaw Ghetto
- Photo from the Stroop Report of the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto
- Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst) Organization Chart for Warsaw
- Sicherheitsdienst [SD] (Security Service) Officer Supervises Movement of Ghetto Jews
- SS and Ukrainian Soldier Guarding Jews at the Umschlagplatz
- SS Officers with Half-Track at the Umschlagplatz
- SS Troops in the Warsaw Ghetto
- SS Troops Round Up Non-Combatants at Warsaw Ghetto
- SS Ukrainian Troops at the Warsaw Ghetto
- SS-Brigadeführer Jürgen Stroop and SS Officer Look Up during the Fighting
- The Umschlagplatz Map
- Waffen-SS Burning Out the Resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto
- Waffen-SS General Jürgen Stroop on Trial for Warsaw Ghetto
Hürtegen Forest
Luftwaffe OERs
- Hans Beisswenger
- Herbert Schob
- Joachim Meissner Next to Hitler after Receiving the Knights Cross
- Knight’s Cross Recipients in Volume 1
- Knight’s Cross Recipients in Volume 2
- Kurt Ubben
- Vorschlag zur Beförderung (Proposal for Promotion) for Franz Grassmehl
- Vorschlag zur bevorzugten Beförderung (Proposal for Accelerated Promotion) for Friedrich-August von der Heydte
- Vorschlag zur bevorzugten Beförderung (Proposal for Accelerated Promotion) for Reino Hamer
- Wegen Tapferkeit vor dem Feinde (For Bravery in the face of the enemy) for Werner Milch
- Werner Baumbach
Nazi Prosecution of the Holocaust
- Alfonso Girvalo
- Arthur S. Imell
- Bert Ward
- Clyde R. Thorn
- Earl Mendenhall
- Frank Landi
- Glenn A. Waser
- Henry L. Peck
- Herbert Kleinbeck
- Herbert R. Laslett
- Jack D. Briscoe
- James C. Cullens, Jr.
- John C. Urbaitis
- Kenneth L. Breitenstein
- Looking for Information
- Mortimer A. Christian
- Philip J. Flynn
- Richard A. Mosley
- Russell E. Boyle
- T. W. Gillard
- Thomas F. Robinson
- Vincent J. Martino
Quiet Flows
Sgt John C Woods
- 6th Army Troops Inside the Stalingrad Encirclement
- Captured German Generals at Stalingrad
- General der Panzertruppe Friedrich Paulus at Stalingrad
- German “X” Squad at Stalingrad
- German 6th Army, 94th Infantry Division Veterans at Stalingrad
- German Army Ranks
- German Infantry Assault Badge from Stalingrad
- German Sixth Army Order of Battle
- German Squad Leader Whistle found at Stalingrad
- Kudos for Stalingrad
- Remembrance Card of Soldier Who Died at Stalingrad
- Southern Stalingrad Map
- Stalingrad Article in “Desperta Ferro Magazine”
- Stalingrad Situation Map for August 16, 1942
- Stalingrad Two-Volume Set Published!
- A New Knights Templar? (Part 1)
- A New Knights Templar? (Part 2)
- A New Knights Templar? (Part 3)
- A New Knights Templar? (Part 4)
- Become a Hard Target
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Carjackings
- Concealed Carry – Smith & Wesson Model 627
- CZ Accu Shadow 2
- Dead Man Walking
- Defeating the Terrorists
- Don’t Look Up — Satellites
- Don’t Pull the Switch
- Everyday Carry Knife
- Finding a Strategy to Defeat Militant Islam
- Forged in Fire
- Freedom Arms Model 97 .45 Colt
- Getting the Right Boom for the Baby Boomers
- Graveley & Wreaks Bowie Knife
- Henry U.S. Survival AR-7
- Home Defense Weapons – Try a Shotgun
- How Much Ammunition Is Enough?
- If You Are…You Need a Gun
- In the Land of the Blind, The One-Eyed Man Is King
- J.P. Sauer and Suhl, Germany
- Johann Fanzoj and Ferlach, Austria
- Kumar Kobra Khukuri
- Losers Fight the Last War Late; Winners Fight the Next War Early
- Ludwig Borovnik and Ferlach, Austria
- Marksmanship Training
- Maskirovka
- Night Stryke
- Night Vision (1)
- Night Vision (2)
- Or We’ll Have Endless War
- Put a Dot on It
- Red Dawn
- Sun-Tzu — The Art of War
- The “88”
- The Battle of Algiers
- The Best Military Theorist
- The Tyranny of Geography
- The Wisdom of Crowds — Benelli M4 Tactical Shotgun
- Versatility – A Jack for All Trades
- Walther PPQ M2 .45 ACP
- Walther WMP .22 Magnum
- What Happened to the Moskva?
- You Can Do This — The Girsan MC 14T
Upcoming Projects
Visit a Battlefield
- 7th Cavalry Trooper Markers at Custer’s Last Stand
- Auschwitz Barbed Wire
- Auschwitz Front Gate
- Concentration Camp Traveler’s Guide
- Dark Blue Sky at Custer’s Last Stand
- Dragon’s Teeth
- Gettysburg Battlefield Guide
- Gettysburg Civil War Surgeon’s Saw
- Little Bighorn 7th Cavalry Horse Holders Area in the Timber
- Little Bighorn Battlefield Guide
- Little Bighorn Company M, 7th Cavalry Timberline Position
- Merode Castle
- Merode Castle After the Fight
- Modern Map of the Southern Hürtgen Forest
- Montana Paradise
- Ride the Battlefield
- Sergeant Major Pierre A. Banker (Army Discharge from 7th Cavalry, 1871)
- SS-Gruppenführer Odilo Globocnik’s Villa in Lublin
- The “Final Solution” in Lublin, Poland – “Operation Reinhard” Headquarters
- The Battle of the Bulge Northern Route Map
- The Battle of the Bulge Southern Route Map
- The Hürtegen Forest, 1944 – Getting Interesting Details
- Walking Through the Forest
- Wannsee Conference Participants
- Wannsee Conference Site in Berlin